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Supermarket Homebrew - FREE
What are we making? (1:25)
What is Beer? (0:33)
What did I Learn?
The Shopping List
Supermarket Shopping List (0:38)
Printable Shopping List
What did I Learn?
The 7 Step Beer Making Process
Tools Needed
DYI Fermenter
Step One (0:51)
Step Two (2:43)
Step Three (0:29)
Step Four (2:49)
Step Five (0:40)
Step Six (2:38)
Step Seven (4:33)
Brew Day
What did I Learn?
Bottling My Beer
Tools needed for bottling
Fermentation Again
Bottling the Beer (7:43)
The Tasting
What did I Learn?
Did I Learn to Make Beer?
What do I Know?
How can I Learn More?
Review of the Steps
Spruce Beer
The Tasting
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